Monday, September 25, 2017

Beating the Enemy Day#4

Beating the Enemy

Read - Revelation 12:7-10 (In this passage we are going to pitchfork the dragon, here the dragon is the devil)

  1. What did you learn about the devil?
  2. How is the devil described? What are some of the names?
  3. How does it compare to Genesis 3?
  4. What are the devils tactics on verse 9 and 10?
  5. With what we have read about our enemy, how does it apply to our life?
Jesus told his disciples about a parable a farmer who planted, or sowed, seed in his field. That might an enemy came and sowed weeds on the same soil. As a result, wheat and tares (weeds) grew up together. The farmer left the weeds alone until the harvest, knowing that in pulling out the tares he risked destroying the wheat. The disciples asked for an explanation and this is what Jesus said.
GB Essie

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